Saturday, October 22, 2011


   Recently since last month there has been at least like five earthquake that were certainly unexpected. There are so many people here in California that are afraid of earthquakes and don’t get me wrong because I don’t like earthquake, they do scare me sometimes when it hits. When the first 4.1 earthquake hit on Thursday during my 5th period choir class I did get scared since all of us in my choir class were just sitting down going over some music notes. What was scary about it was that when it hit it hit pretty strong even though it was a long one but sure was a strong one. The worst thing was that it was during school and I have never experienced an earthquake during school, I’ve either been home or at ma aunts house where I felt them but NEVER during school. To be honest I would rather be home then be at school during an earthquake.

Then later on that day around 7-8pm or so another earthquake hit but the good thing was that I was home in bed. Haha! I was watching television while doing homework as well. Now the good thing you could say that it happened while I was home and it wasn’t as strong as the one that had hit earlier. But the thing was that the second earthquake might have not been as strong as the first one but it sure did last a little longer then the first one. I heard that the longer the earthquakes last the worse it can get. Which I’m just happy that nothing serious happened and no one got hurt.

But what sucks is that we never know when the next one will hit. They hit unexpectedly, so really what we all need to do is seek God and pray for protection each and everyday and also we all need to Thank Him for His Great Mercy and for each day that we wake up in the morning to be Thankful for the other day life He has given us.

Everyone is scared about the huge earthquake that they say will hit but not sure when or about the world coming to an end. I do believe the world will come to an end but absolutely one one in this world knows when that’ going to happen. The Bible says that not even God’s Angels know when but only God himself. People talk about 2012 and that the world is ending that year but like I said “absolutely no one know but God himself.” The Bible says that he will many horrible thing will happen when its getting toward the day of his come which as we can all see there are many horrible things are happening already in this world be from what I believe and is in the book of Revelations a lot more bad things are going to happen because it is getting close to the day that God will come for his people. God will come in a blink of a eye. All we can do is seek God and give our life to him and believe and have Faith in him. We shall not fear in He who is within us.

-God Bless You All!

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